So I have some plans. (they had to be for this summer, but I doubt I will get over my lazyness :D)
Not sure who is the designer, but I really like it. it's very simple, yet looks so strange and nice. And I'm not even talking about how many compositions you can get with different things under this sweater.
I don't know who's the designer of this too(if you know can you comment me so I can give credit),but this one actually requires crocheting. (I mean that net under the dress. Though dress is lovely too.)
Found this in some online goth shop. I really like that it's like dress not sweater, though you can wear it on pants too. and i also love that those lines aren't symetrical.

Ok, I'm still working how to make these awesome Rodarte thights. Even my mom, who is a master at knitting, still haven't found that out. We're actually starting to think that they weren't knitted or they released eyes in every second or so line.
Have any questions or suggestions? Feel free to comment!
your blog is wicked good - i feel like we share a brain !
AtsakytiPanaikintidefinitely will trade links!
xx nikki